Why This Web Site?
Love Lavished Home • My Story • God's Story • A GOOD God • A REAL God • "In the Footsteps of Jesus" • "Jesus...Yesterday, Today, Forever" • Puzzles...and Surprises! • The Jews—Our Treasure • Resources/Links • Why This Web Site? • Thank Yous

So why make a web site for all of this?

  • Because I'm not any more special than any other human who has ever lived or ever will live—God wants this for everyone, regardless of what they've done or thought.  As my young son said, "We ALL cost a Jesus!"  God sees ALL of us as worth His everything.

  • Because how could I knowingly keep something this important (both in this life and through eternity) from ANYONE?  What kind of person would I be if I withheld the most critical information a person could ever have?  And, goodness—what kind of follower of Jesus would I be if I withheld it?   Right—I'd be no follower at all.  

  • Because I want others to realize that even if they've said the WORST things against God or done the worst things against other people . . . that God still sees them as they will be when they come to Him—as His own precious sons and daughters . . . now no less than princes and princesses, children and heirs of the King Himself.  And He wholeheartedly loves and even delights in you right now.  

  • Because I love God and His lovely Son, Jesus, more than anyone else . . . and helping other people to see Them—really SEE Them for all They are—is what They want most of all.  Jesus said it Himself when the Jewish religious leaders asked Him what the greatest commandment in the Law of Moses (given by God) was:  

    One of them, an expert in the law, tested Him with this question:  "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"  

    Jesus replied, (referring to Deuteronomy 6:5, Old Testament) 
    "'Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'  This is the first and greatest commandment."
    (Matthew 22:35-38 ; also in Mark 12: 28-30)

    Can you imagine that???  What the Creator of the Universe wants most of all is for us to know, believe, and love Him!  Made in God's image and willingly bought by Jesus with His own blood on the cross, we are the most valuable thing in the world to Them.   Could anyone ever hear any better News than THAT?  That must be why Jesus called it the "gospel"—the "GOOD News."

    (I wish I could say that I love Them with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength . . . but no one has EVER done that except Jesus.  If I truly loved Them like that, then that means I'd do what They wanted ALL the time—even when I'm mad, tired, hungry, in pain, scared, etc.  Even though I love Them more than I love anyone else and do things for Them that I'd do for NO  ONE else—I know I put myself above Them whenever I choose my way instead of Theirs.  And that means that I also put myself as God and master of myself instead of Them—so now I've gotten into idolatry!  We humans are crazy things—we can finally get to the point that we know that God is completely good, wise, and powerful . . . and yet still think we know a better way to do things than He does.  Yet He still loves us, and still kees us, and keeps working with us, and actually adopts us if we'll only let Him.  Absolutely amazing . . . .)


• Love Lavished Home • My Story • God's Story • A GOOD God • A REAL God • "In the Footsteps of Jesus" • "Jesus...Yesterday, Today, Forever" • Puzzles...and Surprises! • The Jews—Our Treasure • Resources/Links • Why This Web Site? • Thank Yous •

If you have questions, want more resource information, or anything else, you're welcome to contact me:

Lauri Cox McIntosh


All original material Copyright © 2000-2011 by Lauri McIntosh.

You can also contact me for information on how to get copyright permission for material used in this site that I've borrowed from other sources.

All photos Copyright © 1997, Visual Entertainment, Inc.  Used on www.LoveLavished.org by permission.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV).
  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.  Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.  All rights reserved.  The "NIV" and "New International Version" trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society.  Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society. 

Although it is not the preference of the New International Version, for the sake of clarity all personal pronouns referring to deity have been capitalized.

This site was originally published in April 2000.
(Last updated: March 29, 2011.) 


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