What He did for Me!
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Puzzles...and Surprises!

Prison Ministry 2001
Prison Ministry 2000
"We ALL Cost a Jesus!"
Fighting the  Bad Guys, but...
I Watched God Today
What He Did for Me!

Star Wars—The Two Adams
When I Remember Mom
When I Remember Dad

n July 1999, my two-year-old son sent me to the emergency room with a concussion and an almost-broken nose.  One night while my husband was out of town, my son pulled a hard, heavy, "childproof" battery pack out of a Tickle Me Elmo-type toy.  The battery pack was attached to the toy by a 3-inch string, and he decided to try swinging the battery pack.  I was reading on the sofa beside him, so I didn't see the battery until it slammed into the bridge of my nose.  It hurt so much that I couldn't move or see—I was stunned at how much it hurt and how thoroughly it incapacitated me!  (And I have a good idea of what pain is.  I am a small woman who gave birth to my big 8.5-pound oldest child without an epidural—big mistake!  That was six hours of intense pain so unbearable that it literally put me out of my mind during the last few hours.  My doctor told my husband that I was a "real trooper.")   

Well, about 10 minutes after that battery pack hit me, I began feeling nauseated and so dizzy that I had to crawl—and as I got close to the bathroom, I passed out.  I woke up asking my six-year-old son, who was standing over me, "Who are you?"  I truly didn't know who he was, although I knew I should know.  Around midnight, our friend Steve took me to the emergency room, where they started asking questions like, "Who hit you?"  I explained that my husband was in California, that Steve wasn't my husband, and that a "man" hit me but he was a "tiny man" (as my two year old said then) and didn't mean to!  The hospital staff and I actually had some good laughs at how crazy the whole thing was.

But you know, as I was sitting in the emergency room that Friday night thinking of how much it hurt to be hit in the face, I thought of how much worse it must have hurt Jesus to be hit in the head and face again and again by grown men instead of a two-year-old!  How He even made it to the cross is unbelievable.  But as Bruce Marchiano has said, Jesus' life as a first-century carpenter would have perfectly conditioned His body to take that kind of abuse.  What He did for me!  I got just the tiniest taste of one little drop of it that Friday night, and I ended up with a concussion.  Even His brain had to endure the abuse so that He was still coherent enough to do what He came for and get to the cross.  How utterly amazing!  Jesus as a soft-skinned wimp?  I don't think so!

I always seem to think of things from God's perspective now—maybe I'm making up for all that lost time when I  NEVER thought about it.  Every event, every day seems to be a lesson or a "parable" for me.  I'm having the time of my life just learning.  (He's a great Teacher, isn't He?)


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If you have questions, want more resource information, or anything else, you're welcome to contact me:

Lauri Cox McIntosh


All original material Copyright © 2000-2011 by Lauri McIntosh.

You can also contact me for information on how to get copyright permission for material used in this site that I've borrowed from other sources.

All photos Copyright © 1997, Visual Entertainment, Inc.  Used on www.LoveLavished.org by permission.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV).
  Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.  Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.  All rights reserved.  The "NIV" and "New International Version" trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society.  Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society. 

Although it is not the preference of the New International Version, for the sake of clarity all personal pronouns referring to deity have been capitalized.

This site was originally published in April 2000.
(Last updated: March 29, 2011.) 


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